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The Reminder Collection 


Ever stare at the wall like, WTF am i doing?—the kind of moment where every thought and perspective has been  exhausted and your last resort is flipping a coin?  That’s what this collection is for.  Little nudges, signs, and these straight-up ANSWERS to the sh*t you already know deep down.


Nearing the end of my design process, I had a moment of clarity (aka: WTF am I doing?). I had to ask myself  what actually matters to me?—eco-friendly, organic, and intentional. Because if it’s not something I’d actually wear and stand behind, why the hell am I selling it?

  Now 95% of this collection is eco-friendly, organic, minimal impact on the environment and very intentional. 


So here you go—wearable reminders to keep you grounded, decisive, and maybe a little less of a hot mess.

Now, you don’t need a coin flip. You already f*cking know.




*a little note from Tara inviting you to quell your curiosity about our first collection

say less tote bag, say less design eco f
be easy tote bag, say be easy design eco friendly tote, unisex eco friendly tote, eco-tote
possible and probable_edited_edited.jpg
fix your crown tote bag, fix your crown design eco friendly tote, unisex eco friendly tote
it cant hurt tote bag_edited_edited.jpg
new ec logo and biz card

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Estrella Collective | 175 Walnut Avenue | Santa Cruz | 831-515-7445

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